Monday, December 8, 2008

Snow Day

Roads Closed. Schools Shut. Rules were made to be frozen!

YEA! uh......What they said! Josh and I won't be stopped by a few inches of snow! We're gonna freeze all the rules!

Josh wanted me to climb up this tree to get a cute shot...

... my ugg boots definitely aren't for climbing. He caught this one just as I was falling off the branch.

Hurry up, it's ccccccoooooollllldddd.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
That is, until Thursday. Then, you know, I'm over it. So if you could just skip all this cold stuff that would be great. Thanks.


Ashley said...


can we see it without a hat please?

You guys are cute. I love the one of josh and the snow ball and the one of you two laying in the snow. cute cute cute.

Miss Crystal Renee said...

How fun!!! I LOVE your hair!!!

sarah marie p said...

You kids are too cute! Loved all the pictures! And the snowman! Oh, and you're totally rockin the new hair & glasses!