Thursday, December 4, 2008

Josh's Last Words: Woof Woof

So I thinking all day what I should do to inspire a little change and rumple some feathers a little but didn't come up with anything too crazy- I ended up wearing a somewhat "brave" outfit. (I forgot to take a picture so you will have to imagine it). I wore a pair of gray plaid shorts, cute black blouse, black boots and here it is--- pink tights! As I examined myself in the mirror I was quite impressed with the funky/eclectic look, my husband came home and took one look at me and said...

Oh, you look....interesting.

Are you kidding me!?! Now, Josh does not get himself into trouble too often, but this one left me cold for quite a while, despite the chilly weather. Even though I knew better than to make a big deal out a man's evaluation of fashion, I still reacted slightly hurt. Which leads me to my question. Should we women brush off men when they so often use the wrong words? Or was my reaction warranted? Or the bigger question I suppose is, was the criticism just due to a possibly foolish decision in clothing choice?

Until I get some answers, Mr. Kenyon is living in the DOG HOUSE!


Jules said...

It sounds extremely cute to me!

Josh said...

Jules you like wearing towels out your not allowed to comment on this. And for the record I have great taste in fashion. =)

Jules said...

I do not! Josh take that back!

Ashley said...

haha. you drew a pooch on Josh's face. you funny girl. boys just dont get it.. i finally had to stop asking chris a few years ago after he looked at me crazy for wearing a big belt over my shirt and around my waist rather than around my hips... he said.. "aren't belts supposed to hold up your pants?"

"BUUUT HOONNEEEYYY it's fashiiiiion!!!! I look cute."

Kevin O'Donnell said...

Pink tights!!! Shan you are lucky i wasnt there. I wouldve just laughed. But i guess as the brother i dont have to worry about the doghouse. Hahaha. That picture is hilarious.

Miss Crystal Renee said...

When I got to the Pink Tights, I got so excited!!! Whatev. Wear whatever you want to, it makes you more of an individual. Great idea, and take a pic next time. Remember, trendsetting is all about being adventurous and taking risks. Josh has a good taste in fashion, its just a different style. ;)

Anonymous said...

im boycotting a real comment until i have a picture.

sarah marie p said...

You are freakin hilarious! And your outfit sounds super cute! Yay pink tights!

Please come hang out in my kitchen and we'll totally chat it up!

p.s. Please post the picture of your new hairdo! I wanna seeeee!

Anonymous said...

From that picture of Josh, I can tell you've been reading too much Perez my friend...Linds

tashasmiley said...

OMG I am literally crying a bit, so funny! I woulda been slightly pissed too! Sounds like you were trying stuff out and I like it, no matter what you just gotta work it, in whatever you be sprotin';)

I especially like Josh's comment to Juju bee....

Shan said...

btw, i don't read perez. seriously, i don't. that pencil tool just happens to be the only thing i can figure out how to use by myself.