Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You. And start TODAY!

Eleanor Roosevelt once said this infamous quote that is now plastered on library walls and scripted in flowery journals and regurgitated in hallmark greeting cards so often that it has lost its true meaning. This empowered woman didn't just say this in an effort to inspire cowardly friends to expand their horizons. The woman truly did things that would terrify me even when I am feeling unabashedly brazen, such as the time I helped a clearly psychotic homeless man lug his oak dining room chair up the escalator at the Washington 'L' stop. For goodness sakes, she married her fifth cousin and became his "legs" so that he could remain politically active! Now that takes guts!

So, why bring you this brief history lesson? Because I want to rescue this over-used, watered-down, cliched-out quote. And the only way I know how to do what ol' Ellie says is to do something that scares me-- TODAY! And guess what the scarier part is? YOU have to do it too! Yup, now that I have dared you, you can't chicken out. Triple Dog Dare you!
You have 24 hours to report back to me your accomplished "scare tactic."

Hmmm, now let's see. I am scared of:

1. Josh's feet before bed when they are really cold and the toe nails are all long and gangley.

2. Josh's reaction when he realizes I have posted that

3. Leaving the side door open so that an axe murderer might come in and hide in my closet (according to my landlord).

4. Farting in public- seriously, I may or may not let them rip at home, but only Josh truly knows ;)

5. Really pursuing my dream of writing

6. Trying out for roller derby. I got approached by a friend that wanted me to do it, and I chickened out. I found every excuse in the book but really I was just too yellow-bellied.

7. Hurting people with my sometimes tactless opinions.

8. Presenting my resume to a company in person- this one is pertinent because I really am getting desperate for a job.

9. Buying the homeless man under the bridge a sandwich to keep him warm in 30 degree weather

10. Dying my hair black.

oh wait I already did! Check it

The point is our lives are as malleable as fresh clay being kneaded and molded by a skilled potter and as soon as we stop adapting and challenging ourselves, we are like the lump of clay that has been neglected and set to harden and dry out instead of being molded into a beautiful piece of art for all to enjoy.

As for me, I have a date with the vagabond under the bridge, what terrifying feat are you up to today?

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to your self, I’ve lived through this horror I can take the next thing that comes along. -- Eleanor Roosevelt


Miss Crystal Renee said...

Everyday I check your blog. I am so happy that you've started writing again!!! It's a really good one too!!! The pictures of your hair didn't show up though. :(
I'm going to go drive in a blizzard right now, which is scary. :)

Ashley said...

yayayay you are back! But you photos didnt show up! I must see this! You just did it, or are these old photo?

Seriously Shannon, you are a fantastic writer, blog more so i can read it, do that kido book you were talking about so i can buy it, even though i dont have kids. You are amazing and I know you can do it! good luck on the job hunt girl! we miss you..

ps. come visit us in portland. im going to convert you! ;)

So@24 said...

Girls fart?

Jules said...

Yay you really are back!! Well I heard this first hand from you on the phone...I have to tell you the "scary" thing of the day I did today.

Anonymous said...

I am inappropriately laughing out loud at my desk right now. You are so funny. Please write a book. You know I'll be your biggest fan (behind Josh, your parents and Grandma Harriet/Katie...does she count as two fans?). But I need to know...what thought process helped you decide on the homeless man above all of the other scary situations? Linds

Shan said...

cuz i was generally scared to do it. homeless people gain my sympathy but give me the heebeegeebees!