Thursday, July 31, 2008


Oh yes! It's MEATLOAF!

My mom and my dad both make KILLER meatloaf. I mean really.

HEY- I see that face! Don't stick your tongue out and cringe! You wouldn't know until you tried it, so put your pre-conceived notions aside! Yea, I'm talking to you...

So last night I busted out the top secret recipe, assembled the ingredients, washed my hands thoroughly, rolled up my sleeves and started mushing up meat.

Half-way through, raw ground turkey squishing through my fingers, I realized I was missing a couple items essential to the recipe. Problem is I am not one to give up, or to just hop over to the grocery store and pick up the missing ingredients.... I improvise!

(Mom, you may be horrified by this...)

The cardinal seasoning, onion soup mix, was nowhere to be found. So, I search the pantry and find a package of Rice a Roni: chicken and mushroom flavor. Hmm... close enough- Out with the "flavor pack," into the mix!

Ok, Josh, I need the meatloaf pan...

What do you mean, you can't find it?

Is it under that other--

Oh yea, I forgot. We don't have one.

So, yet again, I got creative....

Alright, so that looks like a really fucked up bunt cake, but let me tell you, Josh even agreed, it is the best meatloaf I have ever made!

Where there's a will there's a way!

And where there is Shannon, there is some damn good meatloaf!


Anonymous said...

i just love you!

I don't have a meatloaf pan either, is there such a thing? I use a shallow glass pyrex rectangle dish...

See Sherm Blog said...

IMPRESSIVE!! I'm not an improvise kind of person when it comes to cooking. Its all or nothing... so seriously, I am quite impressed!

Oh and I think the bunt cake pan gives it good presentation. :-)

Unknown said...

that is so awesome! haha. I'm glad it was good! Doesn't it make you feel so kickass when you change things in a recipe and it makes it BETTER. :)

though that doesn't often happen to me... That's just what I've heard... haha

sarah marie p said...

You are freakin awesome! I love that you improvised and totally pulled it off! Good idea with the rice a ronie! And the bunt cake pan is the most hilarious and best thing!

So@24 said...

Not gonna lie. Meatloaf is definitely top 3 favorite foods.

-golf clap-

Anonymous said...

So where's the recipe?? I want to submit it to the church cookbook under your name. Don't you want to be published?? MOM

Anonymous said...

it looks like a pretty good meatloaf to me!!!
Dad said it was ugly looking but he would eat it!
you bust me up with your ability to create something out o nutin
Great job on the improv. will need to check that out myself.

The O said...

Umm... you're lucky I like bundt meatloaf.

So awesome! ::Figh-Hive::

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog yay! Jules gave me the addy. BTW that meatloaf looks incredibly delish! Now I need to read all your old posts :D