Friday, July 25, 2008

Swing Life Away

You know what I have realized? I can do anything if I put my mind to it. YOU can do anything, if you focus your energy to attain that goal. Case in point: Swing Dancing!

I entered a drawing for free swing dance classes last month and won. But I don't say it's because I am lucky. I specifically asked the universe for them....

"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Slow down!" you say.

Ok, I'll start over. Josh and I have always wanted to take swing dance classes, but due to life's complications, always put it off. While wandering a Chicago festival, I saw a booth with a chance to win free classes, I entered myself immediately (and Josh too for extra support!) I turned to Josh and said, "Get Ready, we are gonna be SWINGERS!" (wink).

Later that week, someone suggested I enter into another drawing to win a free lunch, but my response surprised her,

I can't, I have to put all my energy into winning those swing classes. I have to stay focused on that.

Two days later I got the call. And now, after three weeks of hand passes and rock steps and we are like Fred and Ginger!

I know it sounds a little like Peter Pan asking you to say you believe in fairies, but, give it a try.
Put your positive energy out there, and really believe. See what great things waltz (or should I say, lindy hop) into your life!


sarah marie p said...

Wow! That positive energy thing really worked for you! That's so cool! How fun that you took swing dancing lessons! I wanna see! I think you should post a little video on your blog of you and your man showing off your skills! That's a cute picture of you two, btw!

Jules said...

You are so right Shannon! Susan Meyers-Pyke had something when she said that and we would all think she was a little crazy but I really do believe that.

Anonymous said...

Keep going! If I could, I would just swing dance all day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again to both you and Josh for taking me out the other night. It really helped a lot to have good friends during this shit week. :)

dsnowden said...

So when do you post the video of you and josh swing dancing?