Tuesday, July 1, 2008

They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said, No, No...

I had a convo with a friend from work, happily divorced father of a 6 month old. He described accurately what it is like to be in "rehab." No, not Amy Winehouse, messy bouffant, smeared runny eyeliner, drunkenly balancing an infant, kind of rehab. He described it as recovering from a life-threatening disease in which only a transplant surgery will save your life. Rehabilitation to relearn what it is like to use this newly replaced limb. It takes patience and sacrifice and hope. You can't just go out and school some foo's on the b-ball court, you have to take it easy, you must believe and nourish and heal and rest, all the while pushing to get better and stronger.

My rehab tonight consisted of art, a beautiful skyline, incredible husband and a perfect sunset:
Tuesdays on the Terrace at the Museum of Contemporary Art

The museum was inspirational

Chicago grown artist, Jeff Koons returns with a limited time exhibit. It was awe-inspiring!

Let the healing begin.


Anonymous said...

OMG I love you shannonikki!!! You continue to inspire me can't wait to see you when we move to the city the signs are still pointing towards North Avenue!!!!!! We are definately doing dinners lots of them...oh and working on the book it's going to be amazing!!!!!!

can't remember my google pw!!

sarah marie p said...

Looks like such a wonderful night! I love your inspired pictures. Now I wanna go back to Chicago! SO cool you got to see the exhibit!

dsnowden said...

I agree with Sarah Marie. It does look like a very wonderful night. It seems that every day you have something new to do in Chicago.