My favorite scholar once said these words as he casually laid his head on his pillow after experiencing the greatest day of everything Chicago has to offer:
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
those are some greats shots! Looks like your summer is just lovely
Chica...GO!!! :)
WAY cool photos!! You're making me want to go back to Chicago! The last one is so cute!
Those pictures are making me SO excited to see all that Chicago has to four days!!!! Get excited.
I love Chicago in the summertime...except for the humidity. Ugh. I could definitely live without that :) Great pictures!
Those are the buildings from the Wilco CD!
yup! they are from here. thats the chicago skyline baby! ain't it a beaut!
Gorgeous shots! Makes me want to visit :) Winter here in Oz is depressing.
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